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  1. All interested dancers must audition.

  2. The Director will offer accepted artists one or more of our commitment options (explained below) that he deems appropriate. 

  3. Once a commitment option offer is accepted, you will receive a commitment option specific COLONY covenant (contract).

  4. All signed covenants need to be submitted during or before registration week; August 1-5, 2022. 




  1. All COLONY members are highly committed to the team & mentorship provided by Seth Robinson & his faculty.

  2. All COLONY members are highly motivated, driven and focused on the progress of their individual training.

  3. All COLONY members must attend THE COLONY’s 3 mandatory full company conventions. Failure to attend will be a breach of contract and result in immediate release from the company. No refunds will be given.

  4. THE COLONY Faculty’s priority is working with artists that appreciate the value of the education they provide. 

  5. All COLONY members are expected to keep up with their specific commitment option’s requirements (detailed below). Failure to uphold your contractual agreements or agreed upon training schedule will result in immediate contract termination and release from the company. 

  6. Please thoroughly review the company handbook for Season IV; this will include all expectations of COLONY members and their families/support systems.






1a. FULL TIME: Main Competitive Option


  • These artists are local artists taking a minimum of two days (8 hours) of training per week at the DANCE COLONY studios in-person in addition to extra training whenever possible/requested by the faculty. 

  • Training Days will be scheduled by the Faculty at the start of the season. 

  • Artists who are present for 18/20 Colony weekends (2 excused absences on non-mandatory weekends). 

  • One half hour bi-weekly private (scheduled at the start of the season) additional $50/half hour private 

  • These artists may travel on non-Colony weekends to train and compete at optional events as they desire (contingent on the approval of The Leadership). 


1b. FULL TIME+ (Local Upgrade): Intense Training Option 


  • Meets all the Full Time commitments above (1a.) plus the below criteria

  • Artists take an additional 1-2 days of classes per week at the DANCE COLONY studios in-person for a total of 3-4 days per week 

  • One half hour weekly private (scheduled at the start of the season) additional $50/half hour private

  • Artists will be on the priority list for solo selections at our 3 mandatory company events. Please note it is possible these dancers will only compete their solo in 2 out of 3 mandatory events because we attend conventions only and are granted limited solo entries. 

  • Artists will have optional opportunities to travel with the Faculty throughout the season i.e. assisting choreography, conventions, intensives, and may be invited to attend an LA training experience to be discussed at our Parent Meeting.


2a. TRAVELER: Non- Local Competitive Option


  • These artists must live at least 70+ miles away from the Dance COLONY studios

  • These artists are taking a minimum of two days of training a week at local programs (i.e. ballet school, drop-in technique classes, pilates, yoga, and more) schedules must be approved by The Director. Must provide email contact and or proof of training.

  • Artists who are present for 18/20 Colony weekends (2 excused absences on non-mandatory weekends).

  • One half hour private bi-weekly (scheduled at the start of the season) additional $50/per half hour private 

  • These artists may travel on non-Colony weekends to train and compete at optional events as they desire (contingent on the approval of the Leadership). 


2b. TRAVELER+ (Non-Local Upgrade): Weekday Virtual Add-On Option


  • Meets all of the Traveler requirements above (2a.) plus the below criteria

  • These artists will have access to selected COLONY Zoom classes 5 days a week. A minimum of two days of training per week is required to compete with THE COLONY. 

  • Artists will be on the priority list for solo selections at our 3 mandatory company events. Please note it is possible these dancers will only compete their solo in 2 out of 3 mandatory events because we attend conventions only and are granted limited solo entries. 

  • Artists will have optional opportunities to travel with the Faculty throughout the season i.e. assisting choreography, conventions, intensives, and may be invited to attend an LA training experience to be discussed at our Parent Meeting.


3. EXPLORER: Independent Option for Local or Non-Local

The Direction is extremely selective with this option.


  • These artists are highly committed to training but have too many schedule conflicts to compete in groups with our competitive team due to outside obligations but are still passionate about the team and the mentorship provided by Seth Robinson & his faculty. 

  • To qualify, artists must be training a minimum of 4 days a week at the DANCE COLONY studios, in-person or virtually, or with another dance program approved by The Director. This option is extremely selective. Current members are in full time performing arts schools and dancing 5-6 days a week.

  • These artists must attend a minimum of 6 Colony Weekends; but have access to all 20. 

  • In the case that an Explorer is able to be considered for a group, they will be unable to be selected for any guest choreographers work because of their multiple schedule conflicts.

  • If approved to compete a solo, members must have a minimum of one half hour solo private bi-weekly additional $50/half hour private; failure to keep up with privates will result in loss of ability to compete under The Colony. It is the members responsibility to schedule these privates. Zoom privates will be available for Traveling Explorers. 

  • Solos will not be able to be performed at mandatory COLONY events unless there is space (very unlikely)

  • These artists may travel on weekends to train and compete at optional events as they desire (contingent on the approval of the Leadership and fulfillment of their commitments). 

  • Any Explorer Member that is behind in their above stated commitments will be suspended and on a performance probation until such time as all requirements have been completed. Performance fees will be non-refundable if an Explorer is on performance probation due to incomplete requirements.


4. TRAINEE: Non-Competitive & Solo Competitive Options available

For artists that would benefit from training with THE COLONY artists but are not ready to compete with the team just yet. 


  • Accepted artists will have the ability to train with THE COLONY throughout the week in addition to their other scheduled classes- selected by Seth & his faculty. Weekly requirements will be built on an artist by artist basis.

  • If offered a competitive option, member must attend a minimum of 1 (half hour) solo private weekly (scheduled at the start of the season) additional $50/half hour private 

  • If accepted into our competitive option, members may travel to train or compete at optional events as they desire (contingent on the approval of the Leadership and fulfillment of their commitments). Solos will not be able to perform at mandatory COLONY events.








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